Chacao Channel

San Antonio de Chacao is a city in the Región de los Lagos in the south of the South American Andean state of Chile and is located on the second largest island of the country, Chiloé. The port of Chacao is a strait that separates the island of Chiloé from the mainland.


The city was founded as Castro on February 12, 1567 by Martin Ruiz de Gamboa as a port city. On February 28, 1558 Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga came to the place where today is located Chacao and wrote the famous literary feat La Araucana, in which he talks about his crossing of the Chacao channel.

Chacao was destroyed by the Spaniards themselves, to establish Ancud, then came the reconstruction. At the end of the 19th century, the German summer Mier organized the construction of the new Chacaos. Bears his name, the present main street of the city.

In 1710 the Church of Chacao was built.


Chacao is the entrance gate of the province and is celebrated every year a traditional Spanish Chiloé Festival ( Fiesta costumbrista Hispano de Chacao chilota ). The inhabitants Chacaos say of themselves that they are " Chilotes " and not Chilener.

Nearby Chacaos a big suspension bridge to be built, the Puente Bicentenario de Chiloé, but this was not realized for reasons of cost.

Former Mayor

  • Leopoldo López

Pictures of Chacao Channel
