Chadian Progressive Party

The Chadian Progressive Party ( Parti french progressiste tchadien, abbreviation PPT) was from January 1962 to June 1973, the only legal party in Chad.


The PPT was founded in 1946, among others, Gabriel Lisette and Francois Tombalbaye as part of the Rassemblement Démocratique Africain of West African Ivorian Félix Houphouët- Boigny. The party was from the beginning dominated by people from southern Chad ( animists and Roman Catholic Christians ). 1957 Lisette was the chairman of the PPT and Prime Minister from Chad. 1959 Lisette put down his position as party leader and was replaced by François Tombalbaye, which it also managed to become prime minister. A year later Tombalbaye founded the independent Republic Chad with a president. In 1962, he made ​​a one-party state from Chad.

President Tombalbaye abolished in June 1973 from the PPT - because of persistent corruption in their ranks, and replaces it with the Mouvement National pour la Révolution Culturelle et Sociale ( MNRCS ). Was in the Tombalbaye killed - - After the coup of 13 April 1975, the MNRCS was banned.
