
Chalandamarz is a custom of the Romansh-speaking part of the Swiss canton of Grisons, which is celebrated on 1 March each year ( Chalanda = first day of the month, see calends ). It dates from the time when the then Raetia was a province of the Roman Empire. At that time Chalandamarz marked the beginning of the year and was used to drive away evil spirits. Later elected in February mayor, clerk and treasurer ( treasurer ) were used in their offices that day.


Chalandamarz is not celebrated throughout the Romansh language area. In addition to the Engadin and the Val Müstair the custom is celebrated in stone above and in the Albula valley ( here Calondamars called ), but not in the Sut - and Surselva.


Today, schoolchildren draws on that day singing and ringing through the village to drive away the winter. The exact implementation of the festivities subject from village to village noticeable differences. These include whip cracking, Kuhglockengeläute, Dorfbrunnen circumnavigation and much more.

A prominent display of the custom made ​​the artist Alois Carigiet picture book Schellenursli.


In 2003 appeared from Swissmint, the official mint of the Swiss Confederation, a commemorative coin on this topic.
