Chalchalero vizcacha rat

The Chalchaleros - Viscacharatte ( Salinoctomys loschalchalerosorum ) is a living in South America rodent species from the family of deceit rats ( Octodontidae ). It was first described scientifically in 2000.

It is a medium -sized species of deceit rats. Their fur is dark brown on top and white on the belly colored. The tail is relatively long and wears a black tassel. They reach a body length 14-16 cm and a tail length of 11 to 12 inches.

Chalchaleros - Viscacharatten are so far known only from the salt desert Salinas Grandes in the Argentine province of La Rioja. There they have obviously adapted to a very dry, lined with salt plant habitat. Otherwise, nothing is known about their way of life. The Golden Viscacharatte another previously unknown Trugrattenart was found by the same research team in the same year.

The name also occurs in loschalchalerosorum epithet honors the Argentine musical group Los Chalchaleros whose music had heard the group of researchers during their work.

The IUCN lists the species due to the very limited distribution area as acutely threatened ( critically endangered ).
