Charles Brabin

Charles Brabin ( born April 17, 1883 in Liverpool, † November 3, 1957 in Santa Monica, California ) was an American film director.


Charles Brabin came to the U.S. in the early 20th century. He first lived in New York City by doing odd jobs and tried as a theater actor. In 1908 he came to the Edison Manufacturing Company, initially in roles as an actor, later as a director. In Hollywood he worked for the Metro Pictures Corporation and later for any resulting studio MGM. In 1915 he filmed the Edgar Allan Poe poem The Raven with Henry B. Walthall in the role of Edgar Allan Poe. During the filming of Ben Hur Brabin replaced in 1924 shortly Rex Ingram to the director's chair from, but was replaced by Fred Niblo itself later. In 1929 he turned The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder's novel with Lili Damita in the leading role. His later work included whole blood, an early film by Clark Gable, as well as the gangster film The Beast of the City with Jean Harlow, both of 1931 and A Wicked Women, in which Mady Christians gave 1934 its U.S. screen debut. In the same year Brabin withdrew into private life. In 1932, Brabin initially directed Rasputin: The demon of Russia with the three siblings John Barrymore, Ethel Barrymore and Lionel Barrymore, but was quickly replaced by shooting begins by Richard Boleslawski.

His marriage to Theda Bara lasted from 1921 until her death in 1955.

Filmography (selection)

Pictures of Charles Brabin
