Charles Sawyers

Charles Sawyers Lazelle ( born January 26, 1959 in Nashville ) is an American oncologist at Memorial Sloan -Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.


Sawyer earned a bachelor's degree at Princeton University in the History of Science and 1985 at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine MD a ( Professional Doctorate ). As a postdoctoral fellow, he worked at Owen Witte at the University of California, Los Angeles ( UCLA).

After two decades at UCLA Sawyers moved in 2006 to the Memorial Sloan -Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. There he is now (2012 ) Professor of Oncology and Pathogenesis. He also conducts research for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute ( HHMI ).


Sawyer is one of the researchers, the tyrosine kinase inhibitors ( including imatinib, trade name Gleevec, and dasatinib, trade name Sprycel ) have brought to the market. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors represent a new and successful mode of action in the treatment of various tumors, particularly the leukemias.

Recent work Sawyers ' deal with the treatment of patients with prostate cancer who no longer respond to hormone treatment.

Thomson Reuters is one Sawyers since 2011 the favorites for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine ( Thomson Reuters Citation Laureates ).

Awards (selection)

Pictures of Charles Sawyers
