Charles Wyville Thomson

Sir Charles Wyville Thomson ( born March 5, 1830 in Bonsyde, West Lothian, † March 10, 1882 ibid ) was a professor of zoology.


Thomson was born on the family estate of his family in Scotland and studied at Edinburgh University. He initially worked as a lecturer of botany at King's College in Aberdeen, then as a professor of natural history at Queen's College in Cork (1853-1854) and finally as a professor of mineralogy and geology at Queen's College in Belfast ( 1854-1868 ).

The British naturalist and physiologist William Benjamin Carpenter (1813-1885) Thomson made ​​on the gunboat Lightning in 1868 and on the Guardsmen Porcupine 1869, the first trips to the study of deep-sea fauna in the North Sea and the Mediterranean. Thomson worked with Michael Sars (1805-1869) along a Norwegian biologist who gathered in front of the Lofoten deep-sea samples.

In 1870 he was given the chair of natural history in Edinburgh.

1872-1876 Thomson headed the Challenger Expedition and received by Queen Victoria knighthood and the large golden medal of the Royal Society. According to him, the Wyville -Thomson Ridge is designated a marine ridge between Scotland and the Faroe Islands.

Charles Wyville Thomson died on March 10, 1882 at his country estate in Bonsyde. A window in the St. Michael 's Parish Church in Linlithgow reminded of him.


  • Thomson, C. W.; Carpenter, W. B.; Jeffreys, JG: The depths of the sea: an account of the general results of the dredging cruises of HMSS. ' Porcupine ' and ' Lightning' falling on the summers of 1868, 1869, and 1870, under the scientific direction of Dr. Carpenter, FRS, J. Gwyn Jeffreys, FRS, and Dr. Wyville Thomson, FRS (1873 )