Château du Haut-Ribeaupierre

Keep of the castle Hohrappoltstein

The castle Hohrappoltstein (also Hoh Rappoltstein; French: Château du Haut- Ribeaupierre ) is a ruined castle at Ribeauvillé (German: Rappoltsweiler ) in Alsace. It is also known under the name Old box. The castle is located at 642 meters above sea level.


Hohrappoltstein is a hilltop castle with a round keep and moat. The only access was via a drawbridge. Near the entrance is also a vaulted cistern. Today it is a ruin, which was only partially repaired and is currently blocked due to the danger of collapse.


The area around the castle was inhabited in Roman times. It is believed that the castle Hohrappoltstein is the oldest of the three castles to Ribeauvillé. The start of construction was probably already taken the early 12th century. It was abandoned in the 16th century.

The name of Hoh Rappoltstein

The castle had at different times different names:

At the first mention in 1084, the gift of the estate of Emperor Henry IV to the bishopric of Basel, Hohrappoltstein is called as castellum (cum universis appendiciis ) ( a). When his son Henry V 1114 the donation made ​​undone, the castle as a castrum quod vocatur Rapolstein ( b ) has been described. In 1162 it was again re-transferred by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to the bishopric of Basel and is noted as super castro Rappolstein cum (...) ville Rapolswilre (c). 1249 is called the castle as in dicto castro Rapolzstein (d). The designation Ropolczstein 1281 used was eight years later, in 1289, the Old Kastel. This name was transformed in the following year to Rabapierre. 1298 was the first time " two huser Rapolzsten VND Old Box " mentioned in a document. Thus, the existence of two castles owned by the Rappoltsteiner is documented. In 1338, the castle is noted as High - Rappoltstein, 1341, the Good as High Rappoltzsteine ​​that you described ouch calleth old box. 1371 marked the castrum Rapoltzsteine ​​superior in volgari Old Kastel. ( E) shows 1426 still just out called the castle, it contributes to in 1453, 1478 and 1518 dated records the name Hoh Rappoltstein. In documents of 1507 and 1572 it was referred to as Upper castle, 1638 with the similar name Upper Castel. In 1715, the castle as a fortress Hohen- Rappoltstein that one calleth Old Castel described in a recyclable to the 1778 document as an old Kastel or High - Rappoltstein.
