
Chav is a derogatory term in the UK for young people of the lower class that stand by a particular style of dress and habit. The Collins English Dictionary suspected a derivative of the Romani word chavi = child.

Definitional background

In men, the stereotypical image of a Chavs include a baseball cap, flashy gold jewelry, always sneakers, sweatpants and imitations of branded clothing, often Burberry or "real" Kappa and Umbro. Chavettes are female Chavs. You all is said, that they tend to be anti-social behavior, so to behaviors and activities that disturb the neighborhood together in a lasting, such as noise pollution, vandalism and violence.

The term is found in 2005 in the Oxford Dictionary. Under the title of Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class ( German: Chavs: The demonization of the working class ) published Owen Jones in 2011 a book about the changes that have taken place in the public perception of the English working class since the reign of Margaret Thatcher.
