Che (Spanish)

Che is a Spanish interjection used in Argentina as well as in parts of Bolivia and Paraguay, southern Brazil ( in the notation there: Tchê ) and is used in Valencia, Spain. It is used to gain the attention of the listener or occasionally assume also the ( tacit ) consent. In German, it is the closest to one, He '.

The origin of this word is unclear. In Guaraní che means I ' or ' mine ', in tehuelche and Puelche it means ' man ', in Mapudungun, people '. Others, however, lead to a Spanish origin from the archaic ce, which is considered by some to be the origin of the Valencian Title- particle surface, while others ', see the origin of the Valencian che in syneresis of xiquet, boy. In Armenian che means colloquially 'no' and is also called, eh 'is used ( Southern Germany, see above).

Che is in Central American countries, often-used nickname for Argentines because they use that word very often. The most prominent example is the Argentine Marxist revolutionary Ernesto and "Che" Guevara, who is called by the Cubans today el Che and was known as Ministers and National Bank for President to sign official documents with "che ".
