Checkered garter snake

Checkered Garter Snake ( Thamnophis marcianus )

  • Thamnophis marcianus marcianus ( BAIRD & GIRARD, 1853)
  • Thamnophis marcianus praeocularis ( Bocourt, 1892)

Called The Checkered Garter Snake ( Thamnophis marcianus ), also called " Colourful garter snake " or "checkerboard snake ", is one of nearly 40 snake species of garter snakes. It is just 60 to 110 cm long. Males are smaller than females. Like all garter snakes it is viviparous with litter sizes up to 30 pups. In nature, they preferred as food amphibians, but also eat lizards, earthworms, fish, rodents and small crustaceans.

The Checkered Garter Snake is native to the southwestern states of the USA and Mexico to Costa Rica. Its natural habitat in Guatemala and El Salvador is questionable. In the U.S. state of Kansas their existence is endangered and is a protected species.
