Checkmate pattern

The Epaulettenmatt is chess a mat motif, in which the king - flanked by their own figures, which take him escape key fields - is checkmated. The name of the subject is derived from the epaulettes and emphasizes the similarity of the figures next to the king with epaulettes.

Example 1: lady puts Matt

Example 2: Tower is Matt

Example 3: Epaulettenmatt in the middle of board

Example 4: Dovetail

This is a similar picture Matt as in Example 1, but is not strictly Epaulettenmatt. We call this dovetail image.

Game examples

  • Van Wely - Morozevich, Wijk aan Zee 2001. Loek van Wely attacks fail and can not prevent against Alexander Morozevich Epaulettenmatt.
  • Carlsen -Ernst, Wijk aan Zee 2004. Twelve year old Magnus Carlsen is an unusual Epaulettenmatt from the side opposite Sipke Ernst.
  • Matt Image