Chess strategy

The chess strategy, developing a plan to control the game in the course of a game of chess to the object. It is geared towards a longer-term aim of the game.

Position and development

A short-, medium - or long-term planning in a game of chess has to start from the specifics of the current position on the board. This means that the positioning of each farmer and each figure can have a decisive influence on the assessment of the situation. The position review is therefore the first step in developing a strategic plan. The gradual improvement in the preparation of the figures from their ineffective located in the starting position on the edge locations into effective, often called central positions in chess theory development. Development and position are the key aspects of strategy and tactics in chess, the former is ( until a position is reached ) through the opening phase determines the latter more by the actual game (in which the positions are always adapted to new situations ). The final includes concrete solutions to bring the game to a conclusion.

In the position evaluation are included static and dynamic elements. Static position elements remain for extended periods, ie headways, comparatively stable. Dynamic positioning elements are therefore provisional and change organically over the course of a chess game. As always, both elements are intertwined, each position must be constantly reviewed critically reviewed. This process of positional evaluation proceeds to a large extent unconsciously, but it should be possible consciously perceived by the player. The following factors play a role in the position evaluation:

Following the evaluation of the position, the determination of how to proceed. These attempts bring about an improvement in the amount or in some of the above mentioned elements of the own side, and / or to prevent the opponent. We distinguish three types of positions that require a specific approach in each case:

The method of Dorfman

A more recent approach of positional evaluation goes back to the International Grandmaster Josif Dorfman. Its concept is based on a purely static evaluation of so-called critical positions and represents an algorithm for finding the position proper plan, and train

The pivotal point of this concept are the so-called "critical positions" that you first must locate in the course of a game of chess. This " critical positions" usually arise at the end of " technical phase ". "Technical phases " are moves that are either forced due to circumstances chess tactical or strategic considerations of elementary matter of course.

Specifically Dorfman different make up a critical position three characteristics:

" Critical positions" should then be reviewed in the light of four " static " criteria. In descending order of significance, these are:

It is important to note that these four criteria are associated with different valences. Every assessing a critical position is thus composed of four hierarchical undervaluation. This might look something like this:

For this valuation model is then forwarded to the plan, that is, from the further procedure on both sides. As this, however, is purely static, ie stable long-term assessment criteria, dynamic factors, such as immediate tactical threats of this search algorithm remain unaffected, but must of course be examined first.

The static better player standing ( in the above example would be white because he is a little better in the first order criterion ) must now "static" play, that is, be sensible and planned to develop, regroup his characters quiet, not to hasty actions be misled, ... In particular, this means that the static standing better player must not be tempted to Abtausch recklessness or ill pawn moves because these maneuvers may adversely affect the static balance may. In this sense, can be said to understand maneuvers as "dynamic " and therefore belong in the arsenal of the static worse standing player.

Conversely, the static worse standing player must (in the above example would be black ) for a dynamic playing style ( victims, complications, combinations, tangles, ... ) on the lookout, which aims to change the static criteria. As already indicated above is the subject of such a dynamic style of play, inter alia, the exchange and the change in peasant position.
