Chester (Connecticut)

Middlesex County


Chester ( also Chester Parish ) is an American small town in Connecticut. It is located in Middlesex County. Chester is located in the NECTA Newhaven.

Population and Geography

At the census in 2000 3.743 inhabitants were determined. The city covers an area of 43.5 km ², being 2.1 km ² is covered by water.

The vast majority of the population ( 96.79 %) are White, 0.85% African American descent. No one in the population lived below the poverty line.

Chester has a YMCA camp.

Personalities from Chester

  • Tyler Johnson ( born 1980 ), professional cyclist and triathlete.
  • Sol LeWitt (1928-2007), artist of Minimalism
  • Dorothy Reed Mendenhall (1874-1964) American physician
  • Morley Safer ( born 1931 ), CBS News Correspondent
  • Max Showalter (1917-2000), film and television actor.
  • Washington F. Willcox (1834-1909), American politician

Pictures of Chester (Connecticut)
