Child's Play (charity)

The Child's Play Foundation is a company incorporated in 2003, international welfare organization. Your goal is to deliver toys, video games and books to children in more than 70 hospitals around the world.


The authors of the webcomic Penny Arcade, Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, founded the organization in 2003 to make sick children without access to their toys a joy.

In the following years, the Child's Play closed partnerships with many other partnerships. Here, the Foundation also spread beyond the borders of the USA.

In the ten years since its founding more than 25 million U.S. dollars were collected in total. On 1 January 2014 was announced that 7.6 million U.S. dollars were raised in donations in 2013. This was the year 2013 the most successful year of the Foundation.


Child's Play is supported by some individuals and organizations. These include:

  • Hi -Rez Studios, a game developer
  • Far Lands or Bust, a video series of YouTubers and Mind Crack member KurtJMac

Pictures of Child's Play (charity)
