
Chiranthodendron pentadactylon

Chiranthodendron pentadactylon ( in German also " hand tree") is the only species of the monotypic genus Chiranthodendron within the family (Malvaceae ).

The tree is called " Rund de las manitas " ( directly translated tree of little hands ) in Spanish, " mācpalxōchitl " ( hand flower ) in Nahuatl and " Devil's ", " monkey's " or " Mexican hand tree" ( devil, monkey or Mexican hand tree ) or "hand- flower" ( hand flower ) in English, because the red flowers look like hands.

Dissemination and description

The home of Chiranthodendron pentadactylon located in southern Mexico and Guatemala. The tree has been introduced into many parts of the world because of their special union appearance, mainly in North America. The leaves are large and flat lobed.


The Aztecs and others use the plant as a remedy for abdominal pain and heart problems. Solutions of the leaves can also lower blood cholesterol levels; they also act as they contain glycosides of quercetin and luteolin, as diuretics.
