
Pre-germination (including priming and germination stimulation ) denotes the activation process of the seed before sowing. Especially with new potatoes and vegetable seeds, the pre-germination is a common method. It is primarily used for faster and more uniform emergence after sowing.

Effects within the potato tuber

The potato tubers form under the influence of light glyco - alkaloids such as solanine, reduced the disease to the seedlings.

In experiments, the Chamber of Agriculture of North Rhine -Westphalia the emergence of non- pre-germinated tubers in years was reduced considerably with bad seed, even in a year to 60 %. Pre Sprouted tubers always ran to almost completely. The pre-germination encourages the entire plant development. Up to 14 days pre-sprouted tubers run earlier than non- pre-germinated. This growth advantage leading to faster tuber formation. If the stock collapses by the Krautfäuleinfektion especially in organic farming, the pre-germinated varieties have already made a safe return.

But even when it comes in years with lower Krautfäuleinfektion to no income benefits, remain a healthier seed tuber and a faster maturation. The tubers are bowl fixed faster after pre-germination and it can be harvested earlier. This has advantages for problems with Rhizoctonia, dry -core and wire worm damage. The longer dwell the tubers in the ground shell fixed, the greater the losses.

Process in potatoes

At the Institute for Organic Agriculture (IOL ) in Bonn, the optimal illuminance was determined. It was in this context that Warmtonlampen produced the strongest and shortest germs at an illuminance of 200 lux. Approximately 4 to 8 weeks before planting should be started with the pre-sprouting. In germ sluggish varieties, a heat shock of 20 degrees Celsius for 2 to 3 days is beneficial. With careful treatment of the resulting seeds to reach yield advantages of on average around 10%, in some cases up to 40%.

The potatoes should be pre-germinated in white Vorkeimkisten. These are usually made of plastic mesh and hold around 10 kg potatoes in 2 layers. Between the boxes left by the raised corners of an air space, which also improves the exposure. The heating of large boxes and big bags is not suitable for germination stimulation. Due to the temperature difference in the stack Knoll Condensation forms, which rot diseases such as silver scurf Erwina and diseases can spread quickly. In the middle of the lot is dark nuclei can form. The result is a poor and inconsistent germination. As an alternative to Vorkeimkisten Vorkeimsäcke are available. These flat bags of 10 pieces hanging on a rack and each hold about 100 kg. With a forklift truck racks are transported and can be filled by machine. With a few simple steps they can be opened and thus fill in the potato planter.

With the Vorkeimtemperatur the tuber is determined:

  • Low Vorkeimtemperaturen of around 6 degrees Celsius cause a promotion of secondary shoots and thus a high tuber number. Small precipitates harvest goods is the result. Especially in the seed potato production or large falling varieties with low inclination approach (such as Agria ) were used. The Vorkeimzeit then amounts to more than 8 weeks.
  • Higher temperatures of around 12 degrees Celsius, the apical dominance is promoted, ie the main stem suppressed the formation of side shoots. This results in a lower tuber and thus a larger order at higher accreting potato varieties as crown, granola, Melina and Nicola.

With the appropriate humidity Ringbakteriose is limited and increases the temperature effect. A relative humidity of 80 to 85% is optimal.

As Potato planter today's popular machines with tipping bunker due to the risk of damage are less suitable. Belt seeders or roll band bunkers are a suitable alternative.


If the germs have become published too early or too long, they can be removed. Thus, a second multiple germination is promoted. The Abkeimen should be used only as a last resort. In general, it is well tolerated by varieties with long hibernation and a long incubation period. Requirements for Abkeimen are:

  • Early germination and apical dominance.
  • Comply waiting period of 2 to 3 weeks between Abkeimung and planting
  • Abkeimung not less than 8 - 10 ° C to perform.
  • Avoid damage.
  • After pregermination further at 15 to 18 ° C, low light and high humidity.

The multiple germination is promoted thereby.

Heat shock

Alternatively, the short-term heating of the potatoes is practiced to a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. Since the potatoes, however, can not move so fast, it comes in a row at a later tuber formation than normal pre-germination.


For potatoes, the costs are depending on the technical requirements and the existing equipment at EUR 200 to 600 per hectare.
