
Under pseudogout ( chondrocalcinosis also ) refers to a gout- like disease of the joints, but has a fundamentally different pathomechanism. While in gout urate crystals rather play a role, is responsible for the degeneration of the cartilage in the pseudogout, calcium pyrophosphate.

The differential diagnosis of gout is often simple, since the pseudo gout mainly large joints are affected (often first knee ), while the gout usually the first metatarsophalangeal joint ( we speak of the so-called gout ) attacks. Radiologically, a density increase be detected in the cartilage. Typical is a calcification of the discus in his hands, proving, however, is the detection of calcium pyrophosphate in the joint effusion. Samples obtained by arthroscopy can show rhomboid - shaped crystals.

A distinction between a primary and a secondary chondrocalcinosis. In the primary form of hereditary Metabolisierungsdefekte for pyrophosphate are discussed. Secondary causes occur among other things, in connection with gout, in hyperparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis or following trauma.

Therapeutic anti-inflammatory ( anti-inflammatory ) acute treatment is indicated to relieve the pain, it is necessary to promote the cause search.
