
Chorba is a North African soup and is widespread in Algeria, Tunisia and Libya alike. In Morocco and western Algeria corresponds to it the harira.

Etymologically, the name derives from the Arabic word شربة for " liquid " her. Chorba is a typical Ramadan food that will be served for the evening breaking of the fast and output in the context of religiously motivated feeding the poor. She finds herself today but also on the menu of restaurants.

Chorba is a light soup, lamb or mutton, tomato and vermicelli or shredded wheat ( Frik ) contains. Other vegetables can be added according to availability, for example, carrots, onions and courgettes. The exact recipe varies: as Tunisian Chorba can often include veal or beef, it is also sharper than the seasoned Algerian, which generally contains coriander and mint and usually cooked with friction, etc.
