Choropleth map

A choropleth map (also Flächenkartogramm ) is a thematic map in which the inked areas in relation to the distribution density of the thematic object, shaded, dotted or hatched. The surfaces uniformly assigned the same values ​​are sharply demarcated.

This is used to display area-based ordinalskaliger or stepped quantitative data. The property data displayed by the faces do not refer to a single location, but more or less broad areas such as countries, states, municipalities, boroughs, or other statistical spatial reference units.

The Choroplethen representation can produce errors due to the mostly rigid division into fixed subunits incorrect choice of the reference surfaces. This affects approximately sharp not coincident with the predetermined limits of the fluctuations in the distribution density. This disadvantage can compensate for the dasymetrische mapping by adapting their subunits to the present data and summarizes areas with similar characteristics.

True and false faces

In the choropleth map, a distinction is real and unreal space. In real space the property shown on the map in fact is true everywhere in the area. This can, for example, be a currency which is the currency used anywhere within this area. The property, which is a non-genuine sheet, however not always true in the area. As an example one can consider the religion in states: If you create a card that religion is for an area that is most represented in this, this is not true for most of the residents, but for all.
