Christabel Pankhurst

Christabel Harriette Pankhurst [ pæŋkhəst ] ( born September 22, 1880 in Manchester, † February 13, 1958 in Los Angeles, USA) was a British suffragette. She sat down with a partially radical means for the rights of women.


Pankhurst was born as the daughter of the lawyer Richard Pankhurst and the suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst. She had four siblings, including Sylvia Pankhurst. Christabel's mother Emmeline was a leader in the Women's Social and Political Union ( WSPU ); Christabel soon became a helping hand to her mother.

After a first arrest in 1905, triggered by a verbal attack, Pankhurst became increasingly radical in the fight for women's rights. Pankhurst continued to press for a legal woman suffrage, such as prior to the election in 1909. Among contemporaries it was considered controversial and was frequently ridicule also exposed. In order to avoid further arrests, she lived in the years 1912-1913 in Paris.

Pictures of Christabel Pankhurst
