Christian Friedrich Freyer

Christian Friedrich Freyer ( born August 25, 1794 in Wassertruedingen, † November 11, 1885 in Augsburg) is one of the renowned entomologist of the 19th century.


Already as a child Ch F. Freyer interested in butterflies. In 1820 he moved from Wassertruedingen to Augsburg, where he got a job as a " magistratischer actuary ". In Augsburg he collected as a contemporary reported, with untiring zeal and untiring diligence in his spare time the many different kinds of butterflies quivering with us .... After eight years of residence in Augsburg Freyer began to move his lepidopterological publications. As Conservator of Entomology Freyer also oversaw the entomological collection of the Natural Historical Society, founded in 1846 in Augsburg, today's Nature Scientific Society of Swabia.

Works (selection)

The importance Ch F. Freyer

245 species of butterflies, 193 moths and butterflies 52 Freyer has described only in recent contributions to the butterfly customer first. Freyer stressed in the preface that he " especially rare and hitherto largely unknown species, especially those of which so far there is no suitable image material " will describe and illustrate, if possible with all three stages of development ( caterpillar, pupa and imago ) and with the respective crawler host plant. Freyer's illustrations, colored copper engravings, thus differ significantly from previous pictures, especially those of Jacob Hübner. Freyer highlights the main features of the way to provide also " beginners and dilettantes " a determination help. The text is largely limited to new.

Freyer's importance as Feldentomologe is evidenced by his work The moths around Augsburg. Here he is wearing 1091 species together.

Freyer has also established an international network of well-known European entomologists and integrated these " Celebritäten at home and abroad " in his work. So that his publications are seen as a precursor of a lepidopterological journal.

A. Olivier captures 2000 the importance Freyer entomologists as follows: " ... Freyer was almost invariably recognized as one of the biggest personalities in the Lepidopterology his time, and his work is cited in almost every major publication that era, and this applies to day today. "

His estate is located in the Senckenberg Museum.
