Christian Friedrich von Otto

Christian Friedrich von Otto ( born October 26, 1758 in Dettingen, † September 8, 1836 in Stuttgart ) was a Württemberg civil servant and politician.

Life and career

Otto was born in Dettingen in Oberamt Kirchheim as a son of the local Protestant minister. After attending high school in Stuttgart, he studied law at Carl Christopher Hofacker (1749-1793) at the University of Tübingen. Later he moved to the University of Strasbourg and engaged in the Supreme Court of Colmar with French law. The prepared in Colmar dissertation Brevis Parlamentorum Galliae notitia he handed 1780 in Tübingen for obtaining the doctorate and was initially Württemberg firm and court lawyer.

In 1786 he obtained the position of a Secret Cabinet Secretary at Duke Carl Eugen. 1792 he was appointed to the real Government and assessors of the Audit Court. Further stations of his career until the founding of the Kingdom of Württemberg included the offices of a Kammerprokurators and the First Council of Rentkammer, President of the Upper Mountain Salt Works and Mint in which Umgelds and Taxdeputation and member of the Kommerziendeputation. After 1806 he took over the Board of the Police Department of Upper Württemberg government, the Higher Regional Economics College and the Medizinaldepartements.

During the time of the Napoleonic Wars he was also Commissioner-General for billeting and supply of foreign troops. This included the financial and material dealing with the military necessary logistics and hospital system. 1811 Otto Chief of the Section of Local Government and a member of the newly established Württemberg State Council. In 1815 he took care of the financial compensation of the stationed troops in France the Württemberg army and the army of the Grand Duchy of Hesse by the French Ministry of Finance.

Württemberg government offices

From November 8, 1816 until November 10, 1817 Otto headed the Department of Finance, which corresponded to the position of finance minister. From November 10 1817 to July 29, 1821 was Otto Chief of Württemberg Department of the Interior and of the church and the school system, which was equivalent to the function of inner and Minister of Culture. 29 July 1821 to 15 November 1831 he held the office of President of the Privy Council. This corresponded to 1848 the position of a prime minister, although it was not formally appointed as the King of Württemberg took up the presidency of the government itself. The entire career of Christian Friedrich Otto's was that of a high and loyal civil servants and less of a politician in the true sense of the word.

