Christoph Meineke

Christoph Meineke ( born March 13, 1979 in Hannover ) is a German local politician. The non-party is the mayor of the municipality Wennigsen ( Deister) and member of the board of the Lower Saxony of Cities.


After graduating from the Matthias -Claudius -Gymnasium Gehrden Meineke studied Economics at the Vienna University of Economics, the University of St. Gallen and the Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen. He received his doctorate at Birger Priddat at the private University of Witten / Herdecke. In 2012 he graduated from the Harvard Kennedy School, a senior executive training.


Mayoral election in 2006

In September 2006 Meineke was elected after a runoff election, the youngest full-time mayor of Germany and was until 2013 the youngest chief town hall in Lower Saxony. For the first time in northern Germany, he managed to get elected as individuals completely without any support of a party, voters or community of interest in a direct election to the full-time mayor. His election provoked nationwide headlines and is still regarded as the reference non-party politics in the Federal Republic. In particular, his Internet campaign has been studied in several scientific works, as he used one of the first campaigner social media.

Digital local politics

About Local work

Meineke is a member and lecturer in the Innovators Club of the German Association of Towns and Municipalities since 2008. He lectures on topics of civic participation in the Internet age at institutions such as the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer, the German Institute of Urban Affairs, or ADV Austria. In November 2013 Meineke was elected to the Presidium of the Lower Saxony of Cities. It represents there as a successor of former Hildesheim Mayor Kurt making the non-partisan mayor.


  • Local election campaign 2.0 Experiences and Recommendations, in: F.-R. Habbel / A.Huber ( Eds.): Web 2.0 for Communities and Local Politics, Boizenburg. Verlag Werner Hülsenbusch, 2008 ISBN 978-3-940317-36-0
  • Excellent citizen consultation in Wennigsen - in two stages in two ways In: NST News ( Lower Saxony Cities ), No. 7-8, 2012, pp. 162-165 ( with Herbert Kubicek )
  • Challenge online participation, in: H.Hill: management communication; Scientific analysis and practical examples. Wiesbaden: Nomos, 2013; Pp. 133-144. Print ISBN: 978-3-8487-0711-9; ISBN online: 978-3-8452-4952-0