Christophe Jaffrelot

Christophe Jaffrelot (born 1964 ) is a French political scientist, whose work deals mainly with the Indian subcontinent.

He graduated with the diploma and the Dr. hab. of the Institute d'Etudes Politiques (IEP ) in Paris and that of the Sorbonne and also graduated from the Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales ( INALCO ). He heads the Centre d' études et de recherches International ( CERI ) and is Director of Research at CNRS.

Jaffrelot deals among other things with the modernization strategies of India, has published a monograph on Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar sympathetic, the leader of the " untouchables ", written as well as a study of the observable in the last decades the rise of the lower castes in North India.

Unrest as after the division of former British India in 1947, he performs mainly due to Hindu- nationalist parties. Since the existence of electoral politics in the former colony they would mobilize Hindus against Muslims, provoking riots and aim at a religious division of the electorate. The attacks on 26 November 2008 in Mumbai interpreted Jaffrelot in an interview with the Nouvel Observateur as a " cry for justice " and an act of revenge for the unpunished massacre of Gujarat in 2002, which would have cost the lives of around 2000 Muslims. They did therefore not a pan-Islamic jihadist movement.


About Pakistan:

  • Le Pakistan, carrefour de Tensions Clarisse, direction, Complexe, Bruxelles, 1999, Reed. 2002
  • Le Pakistan, direction, Fayard, Paris, 2000
  • Pakistan. Nationalism without a Nation? , Direction, Manohar, New Delhi, Centre de Sciences Humaines, London and Zed Books, New York, 2002, Reed. 2004
  • A History of Pakistan and Its Origins ( Hg ), London, 2004

About India:

  • Les Nationalistes Hindous, Presses de Sciences Po, Paris, 1993
  • The Hindu Nationalist Movement and Indian politics, Columbia University Press, New York, Hurst, London, Penguin Books India, New Delhi, 1996
  • L' Inde contemporaine à nos jours de 1950, (Hg), Fayard, Paris, 1996, Neuaufl. 1997 2006
  • La Démocratie en Inde. Religion, caste et politique, Fayard, Paris, 1998
  • Dr Ambedkar - Leader intouchable et père de la Constitution indienne, Sciences Po, 2000, ISBN 2-7246-0800-3
  • Tribus et basses castes. Resistance and autonomie dans la société indienne, with Marine Carrin, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, 2003
  • India's Silent Revolution. The Rise of the Lower Castes in North India, Columbia University Press, New York, Hurst, London et Permanent Black, New Delhi, 2003
  • Ambedkar and Untouchability. Analysing and Fighting Caste, Permanent Black, New Delhi, Hurst, London and Columbia University Press, New York, 2004
  • Revisiting Nationalism. Theories and Processes, with Alain Dieckhoff, Hurst, Londron, 2005
  • Inde: la démocratie par la caste. Histoire d'une mutation socio - politique (1885-2005), Fayard, Paris, 2005, ISBN 2213624267