Christopher Hyatt

Christopher S. Hyatt (actually Alan Ronald Miller, born July 12, 1943 in Chicago, † February 9, 2008 in Scottsdale, Arizona ) was an American psychologist, occultist and author of several books and CDs on the topics of spirituality, psychology and magic.


Christopher Hyatt was a trained clinical and experimental psychologist and worked for extended periods of time as a psychotherapist. He was known as a representative of a position that he himself " individualism extremes " referred to as. He was a student of Israel Regardie. Regardie, who greatly influenced him and he mediated techniques Aleister Crowley and Wilhelm Reich, was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Hyatt's later Verlag, which is continued after his death by his widow, published literature from authors in the context of this organization. 9th February 2008 Hyatt died at the age of 64 years to cancer.

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Hyatt was among a group of American intellectuals who protested in the 1960s and 1970s by anti- authoritarian and unconventional protest against the traditional norms and thereby expansion of consciousness aspired to drug use or dealing with spiritual and occult knowledge bases and practices ( New Age ). Hyatt had about Robert Anton Wilson and Timothy Leary to his friends, authors who worked with similar designs.


(Excerpt )

  • Undoing Yourself. German decision- wrap you!. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1989, ISBN 3-499-18524-5.
  • To Lie Is Human. ISBN 1-56184-199-4
  • The Psychopath 's Bible. ISBN 1-56184-174-9
  • Secrets Of Western Tantra. ISBN 1-56184-113-7
  • Urban Voodoo ( with Jason S. Black). ISBN 1-56184-059-9
  • The Magic of Israel Regardie. New Falcon Publishing. ISBN 1-56184-230-3