Christopher Trumbo

Christopher Trumbo ( born September 25, 1940 in Los Angeles, California, † January 8, 2011 in Ojai, California ) was an American screenwriter.


Christopher Trumbo is the son of Cleo and Dalton Trumbo. When he was seven years old, his father was punished by the Committee on Un-American Activities with a professional disqualification and imprisonment. 1951 the family moved to Mexico City, where she lived with the family of also standing on the Black List scriptwriters Hugo Butler. After two years, the family moved back to Los Angeles, where she settled in Highland Park. Trumbo where he attended Franklin High School and graduated in 1963 his studies at Columbia University from.

In 1967, Trumbo worked as a screenwriter. With The Don is dead, he debuted as a screenwriter for a feature film. Together with Michael Butler, he had adapted a novel by Marvin H. Albert. He wrote other movies like Brannigan - A man of steel and NY - Streets of Death. In particular, it was his concern that his father's reputation to be restored. So he wrote to Trumbo: Red, White and Blacklisted a theater play, which reproduced the experience with the prohibition against the original diary. The play was filmed with the documentation in 2007. He also tried his life the authorship of his father on the comedy to obtain recognition of a heart and a crown. The concerns were the Writers Guild of America on 19 Dec 2011 which, about 11 months after Christopher Trumbo and 25 years after Dalton Trumbo died.

On January 8, 2011 Trumbo died at the age of 70 of complications from cancer. He is survived by his wife, Nancy Escher

Filmography (selection)
