Chronicon Scotorum

The Chronicon Scotorum is prepared from Sligoer historian Dubhaltach Mac Fhirbhisigh around the time 1640-1650 copy of medieval annals, which are no longer preserved in the original. They are largely written in the Irish language with some Latin entries. The chronicle begins with a narrative short part of the period before Patrick and covered with regular entries the periods 353-722, 804-1135 and 1141-1149 from.


According to the analysis by Kathleen Hughes is the Chronicon Scotorum largely a copy of the Annals of Tigernach. Their assumption is based on the additions to the annals of Tigernach compared to the Annals of Ulster in particular entries that relate to Clonmacnoise, are largely to be found again in the Chronicon Scotorum. The few entries that are listed in the Chronicon Scotorum and missing in the annals of Tigernach, lay, according to Kathleen Hughes conjecture suggests that not the traditional form of the Annals have served from Tigernach as a template, but an older, no longer available standing version. These entries, which are found nowhere else on supplies in sufficient detail to include, for example, the description of the Battle of Lethirbe in 630

The last entries from the years 1141 to 1149 were added only in the Hennessy 1866 published edition to the other annals, apparently because they also come from the hand of Dubhaltach Mac Fir - Bhisigh. The origin of the content is not known in detail.

Manuscripts received

The manuscript produced by Dubhaltach Mac Fhirbhisigh located in the library of Trinity College in Dublin. It covers the period up to 1135th There are some later hand-written copies of it, but add nothing to the content.
