Chua Cocani

Chua Cocani (also: Chua Cocani ) is a village in the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

Chua Cocani is the central place of the district ( bolivian: Municipio) Chua Cocani in the province Omasuyos. The village lies at an altitude of 3828 m on the lake shore in the southeastern portion of Lake Titicaca between the villages Huarina and San Pablo de Tiquina.


The climate in the area Chua Cocani is derived from the altitude on the Altiplano and proximity to large water surface of Lake Titicaca, which mitigates the temperature fluctuations.

The average annual temperature is 11 ° C (see climate chart Achacachi ), the monthly average in the coldest month (July) is different with 8 ° C only slightly from the warmest months (November to March ) with 12 ° C. The climate is arid from June to August with only sporadic rainfall, and it is humid in the summer months, especially from December to March, with monthly rainfall of sometimes more than 100 mm. The annual rainfall is about 600 mm.

Traffic network

Chua Cocani located 88 kilometers by road from La Paz, the capital of the department of the same name in a northwesterly direction.

From La Paz the paved highway Ruta 2 on El Alto leads in a northwesterly direction 70 km to Huarina, thence along the shore of Lake Titicaca on Chua Cocani to Copacabana and Khasani.


The population of Chua Cocani has risen in the past two decades to nearly twice:

Because of the historical population growth, the region has a high proportion of Aymara population, in the municipality of Achacachi - to which the Chua Cocani region belongs to August 2010 - 94.1 % of the population speak the Aymara language.
