Chuchle battle

The Kuchelbader battle was a violent confrontation between German students and the Czech Republic on 28 June 1881 in Kuchelbad ( tschech. Chuchle, today is my deterministic Prague district of Velka Chuchle ) in Prague. Egon Erwin Kisch has held the events in a documentary of the same name and thus coined the term battle for the confrontation, while according to modern terminology, the term street battle would be more appropriate.


The majority of the medieval Prague was German. The lectures at the Karl- Ferdinand University were consequently first in Latin, only held later in Latin and German, from 1748 to German. After 1848, while lectures were sporadically available in Czech language, but checks accepted only in German. As at 1860, the majority of Prague's population was tschechischsprachig, Czech politicians demanded the introduction of a systematic bilingualism. Since there is no consensus could be reached on, the Austrian Parliament in Vienna Vienna decided on 31 May 1881 split the university into a Czech and a German university. This was rejected in Prague, both of German and Czech of students. The Germans feared that their part of university now run the same risk that there had already overtaken the German Institute in 1869 after the split of the Technical College: It was almost sunk into insignificance, while the Czech Polytechnic rose to the most prestigious engineering school of the Danube monarchy. The Czechs did not want the division of the university because they already since 1870 constituted the majority of the students at her. The tensions between Germans and Czechs were mid June 1881 exacerbated when it became apparent that in elections to the Chamber of Commerce in Prague Czech candidates on the basis of the electoral rules are likely to have little chance of success. The mood escalated on June 27, 1881, the day before the Kuchelbader Battle: On the one hand it was announced that the German candidate had won the election to the Chamber of Commerce and on the other, began on this day the foundation celebration of the German fraternity Corps Austria with a ride of students full Couleur, which was understood by the Czechs as a provocation by the city. Reason for this was that " her Stiftungsfest celebrating great Austrian, tightly holding on to the old national state idea Corp students confused with large German - National Boys sheep Tern" were.


On June 28, 1881, the members of the Corps Austria and their guests took a steamer from Prague to Kuchelbad where they -arrived against 10 clock to celebrate there in the garden of the top restoration. Today afternoon tryst in Kuchelbad who can, let him come to 4 clock, the screw steamer run throughout the afternoon: At the same time an advertisement appeared in the Prague Czech daily newspaper Národní listy with the text. After had ganged up on this call out all afternoon, a crowd of people, came towards evening the call Němečtí psi, domů! ( German dogs! Go home ), and a desert confrontation began. The German students fled finally before a hail of stones from the restaurant to their steamer and returned to Prague arrived under police protection in their quarters back.


In the Prague Nationality voltages of the 19th century Kuchelbader battle was the first foresighted violent incident. As a direct result of the political discussions were terminated by the decision of 31 May 1881, divided the University of Prague in 1882.
