
Chuckwalla ( Sauromalus ater)

The Chuckwalla ( Sauromalus ) is a lizard genus of the family of iguanas ( Iguanidae ). Its distribution area covers the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.


Chuckwalla reach a total length from 32 to 45 cm, which accounts for 18-20 cm on the body, the rest is tail length. Their habitat is dry regions, where they often reside on sun-warmed rocks. However, they avoid open sand areas. In case of danger, the shy animals crawl immediately under a rock, where they can inflate their bodies up to 60%; then it is not possible to take it out from its hiding place.

Chuckwallas are predominantly herbivores; sometimes they also take insects to him. During the cool months they spend the winter rest. In summer the female lays about six eggs, from which hatched the young in September.


The genus includes the Chuckwalla depending on the author 5-6 species, since Sauromalus obesus shows very few differences to Sauromalus ater and, therefore, according to some authors, a junior synonym of Sauromalus ater is ( Hollingworth 1998).

  • Sauromalus ater
  • Sauromalus hispidus
  • Sauromalus klauberi
  • Sauromalus obesus
  • Sauromalus slevini
  • Sauromalus varius