Cima da Conegliano

Giovanni Battista Cima (* 1460 in Conegliano, † between 1517 and 1518), called Cima da Conegliano, was an Italian painter.

Life and work

Giovanni Battista Cima was born at Conegliano, now part of the province of Treviso. His father was Tuchscherer ( cimatore ), hence the nickname Cima family.

The sources via Cima's life and artistic career are sparse. In tax records of Conegliano, there is a document from 1473, according to which a certain Joannes Cimador has become taxable on reaching the age of 14 years in accordance with the laws of the Serenissima. This leads the research from a date of birth between 1459 and 1460.

The first signed and dated by Cima painting dates from 1489, when he ran a workshop in Venice and took several orders for altarpieces. Between 1500 and 1515 he worked in Venice except for clients in Reggio Emilia, Parma and Bologna. In the summer of 1516 Cima returned to Conegliano, where he died 1517-1518.

Cima was an extremely prolific painter. In addition to being in the tradition of the Vivarini, combined in some extraordinarily splendid frame Polyptichen, he painted a large number of altarpieces, often in the form of the Sacra Conversazione, small-scale devotional paintings, including many representations of the Madonna and Child, and occasionally, by rich instructed collectors of the time, familiar scenes from Greek mythology. Are the polyptychs is still strongly based on the traditional style of the Vivarini, so make while working in Venice the models Antonello what concerns the technique of oil painting and the intensity and delicateness of colors, as well as by Bartolomeo Montagna, Bellini and Giorgione in relation to the atmospherically dense landscaping and the level of detail in the representation of nature and architecture noticeable. Dürer, the 1505 and 1506 stayed in Venice and learned most cherished by its Italian painter colleagues could also Cima excited in his conception of nature and landscape. The spin-off had already begun with the staff of a Bellini Sacra Conversazione in nature is further developed by Cima, which establishes the Madaonna and the accompanying saints in capriccioartige imagination architectures and open countryside.

His works can be seen among others in Parma, Venice, Conegliano, Paris, Strasbourg, Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Lisbon, San Francisco, Washington, London and Berlin.


Works (selection)

Polyptychs (selection)

  • " Polpytychon with John the Baptist", 1504-1509, 5 plates and 3 predella - pictures in gilt wood frame church of San Giovanni Battista in San Fior, Treviso Province
  • " Polpytychon the parish church of Olera " Alzano Lombardo, oil on panel, in situ, in the gilded original frame of a Venetian workshop; Olera, Province of Bergamo,
  • " Polpytychon the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore " in Miglionico, 18 single pictures and sculpture of John the Baptist, gilded frame, partly original with later additions (17th century);
  • " Polpytychon the church of Sant'Anna " in Koper, Museo di Palazzo Ducale, Mantua; 10 plates in original gilt frame

Polyptych of Olera

Polyptych of Miglionico

Altarpieces (selection)

  • Nativity with holy oil on wood, 300x185 cm, 1509, Santa Maria dei Carmini, Venice
  • Baptism of Christ, 1492, oil on wood, main altar of the church of San Giovanni in Bragora, Venice.
  • St. Helena and Constantine to sides of the cross of Christ, 1501-1503, oil on wood, San Giovanni in Bragora, Venice.
  • The unbeliever Thomas, 1502-1504, oil Mounted on Ln, National Gallery London
  • The unbeliever Thomas with Bishop Magnus, 1492, oil on wood, 350x210 cm, Gallerie dell ' Accademia, Venice
  • S. Peter Martyr with Saints Nicholas of Bari and Benedict, 1504, oil on wood, 330x216 cm, Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan.
  • John the Baptist with Saints Peter, Mark, Jerome and Paul, 1495, Oil on wood, 305x205 cm, Madonna dell'Orto, Venice.
  • Sacra Conversazione ( Enthroned Madonna with Child in the company of saints, around 1490, oil on wood, 301x211 cm, Brera, Milan.
  • Enthroned Madonna with Child in the company of angels and saints, circa 1492, oil on wood, 150x235 cm, Cathedral in Conegliano.
  • Enthroned Madonna with Child in the company of saints, 1496-1499, oil on wood, 419x213 cm, Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice.
  • Madonna with the Orange Tree, 1496 Oil on wood, Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice