Cimitero acattolico di Capri

The Cimitero Acattolico is a non- Roman Catholic cemetery on Capri with 204 graves of people from 21 countries (as of 1994) and various non- Catholic denominations ( Anglican, Lutheran, Orthodox, Jews ), but also free thinkers. These are either people who have lived permanently on Capri or to travelers who were there overtaken by death. More recently, Catholic Italians were buried who had this " interfaith " and " international " location aware desired as a final resting place. The majority of burials concerns British and German, followed by Americans and Russians.

Topographically, the cemetery consists of two approximately 700 and 600 m measured grave fields, which are connected by a small staircase. The non-Catholic cemetery adjacent to the Catholic cemetery Capris and has two transitions to it.


The cemetery was suggested in 1875 by the Englishman George Hayward and 1878 opened after many of the numerous foreigners were not allowed to be buried in the Catholic cemetery. In 1936 an extension was necessary to provide a second, slightly deeper ( to Marina Grande to go ) located field. The cemetery was initially under the self-government of the people living on Capri foreign community (at the mainly British and German parties ); after the Second World War, he became the property of the Centro Caprense " I. Cerio "above, in 1991 the municipality bequeathed him who has since been responsible for him.

List of graves

List lower burial ground

Jacques d' Adelsward Heels

Gudrun and Jakob von Uexküll

Paul Geleff

In Table 1 as the top field, the bottom 2 is referred to, so that " 2-40 " is set to the lower box 40 grave.
