Circle (Alaska)

Unorganized Borough


Circle, also called Circle City is a settlement in the northeast of the U.S. state of Alaska. Circle is located on the south bank of the Yukon River at the edge of the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuges and immediately downstream of the Yukon - Charley Rivers National Preserve. Circle is the eastern end of the Steese Highway and is located 260 km northeast of Fairbanks and about 120 km south of the Arctic Circle. The name originated from the erroneous assumption of the first settlers, the city lies on the Arctic Circle. Circle is also a checkpoint for the Yukon Quest sled dog race.


Along the Fortymile River was discovered in the mid- 1880s gold. 1893 found two Creoles, Pitka and Sorresca, more gold deposits in the Circle Mining District on Birch Creek. The news attracted many prospectors to the area. As a supply center for transported over the Yukon to various remote gold mining camp goods 1893 Circle was founded. In the spring of 1894 found himself on Mastodon Creek gold. Shortly thereafter, there was also gold discoveries on Independence Creek, on Miller Creek, on Deadwood Creek and Boulder Creek, all within the Circle Mining District.

In 1896, before the Klondike gold rush, Circle was with about 700 inhabitants, the largest city on the Yukon prospectors. There was a shop of the Alaska Commercial Company, eight to ten dance halls, an opera house, a library, a school and a church, and a newspaper, the Yukon Press, and some government officials.

The discovery of gold in the Klondike River (1897 ) and Nome ( 1899) depopulated the city. Some prospectors remained in the area of ​​Birch Creek. Circle was a small but stable local center, which supported the prospectors in the Circle district.


  • Native: 76 %;
  • Whiteness: 14%;
  • Unemployment: 24%;
  • Population below poverty line: 60.7 %


Circle has a continental subarctic climate characterized by extreme temperature differences between summer and winter. The winter is long and hard, the summers are short and warm. The temperatures in summer are in the range of 15-20 ° C in winter to -45 ° C. The average rainfall is 16.5 cm, with an average fall in the year about 110 cm of snow. The Yukon is here ice-free from mid-June to mid-October.
