Cisne Branco

2 x 47 -millimeter guns for gun salute

The Cisne Branco (Portuguese cisne branco: white swan; NV stands for navio Veleiro: Sailing ship ) is a full-rigged ship ( rahgetakelter three-master ), which is used for representation purposes primarily the Brazilian Navy.

The Cisne Branco was built for about 15 million U.S. dollars, according to the model of the clipper of the late 19th century to the Dutch shipyard "ladies", ran on 4 August 1999 and was launched on 4 February 2000 to the Brazilian Navy passed. Your service as Ambassador of Brazil took officially the commander José Sadi Cantuária on March 9, 2000 - the 500th anniversary of the departure of Pedro Álvares Cabral of Lisbon on that trip, on the Portuguese on April 22, 1500 discovered Brazil for Europe. On this occasion, the International Memorial Regatta was held in 2000, at the Cisne Branco took part in the April 30, 2000 and reached on this journey Brazil. In the same year, the Cisne Branco also participated in Operation Sail 2000.

Since then, the ship is primarily used for representation purposes and participates in national and international maritime events. The training of seafarers today plays only a Deputy role. Within its first year of operation, to February 4, 2001 the ship spent 163.5 days at sea on which it is put back 21 535 nautical miles. 272 cadets were trained, and the Cisne Branco received 125 196 visitors.


Drawing of the Cisne Branco ( standing rigging )
