Citânia de Briteiros

41.5275 - 8.3158333333333Koordinaten: 41 ° 31 ' 39 " N, 8 ° 18' 57 " W

Citânia de Briteiros is an ancient ruined city about 22 km east of Braga in Portugal. There are relics of ancient dwellings ( Citânias ) Celtiberian from about 800 BC

It is a mountain village, one of many relics of the ancient dwellings of the Celtiberian ( about 800 BC), the ( 1833-1899 ) was exposed before 1880 by the archaeologist Martins Sarmento. The excavation site has a size of 240 x 300 m and is located within a triple ring wall at Monte de São Romão. Here are some 160 house foundations from the assembled large stone blocks. The original roof was made ​​of straw. The houses are connected by a - accessible network of cobbled streets and alleys - has barely walkable. You can still find stone walls, water pipes and gutters along the streets. On the hill are two reconstructed round huts with thatched roofs. The most important finds are today because Sociedade Martins Sarmento exhibited in the Museu de Guimaraes. The excavations are not yet complete. One of the most talked about areas of the excavation is the Pedra Formosa
