

The East Timorese Citrana is the capital of the subdistrict Nitibe (District Oecusse ) and a Aldeia in Suco Beneufe.


The seaside village is situated at an altitude of 71 m, at the Savu Sea, near the mouth of Noel Besi which forms to further distance the border to Indonesian West Timor. To the north lies the small island of Fatu Sinai. A road with a length of 47.5 km Citrana connects with the district capital of Pante Macassar. The town has a primary school ( Escola Primaria Citrana ), a community health center and a helipad for emergencies.

Border disputes with Indonesia

The demarcation of the territory to Indonesia is controversial. In addition to the dispute, to which country the island of Fatu Sinai heard this also relates to a land area of 1009 hectares at the Noel Besi. In this area, 21 East Timorese families have settled, while residents of the Indonesian village Oepoli (District Kupang ) claim it as their own. The demarcation problem is also because of the border river in the rainy season is constantly changing its course. In principle, Indonesia oriented along the boundary line of the deepest part of the river, while East Timor defines the boundaries of the local traditional Kingdom to reason.


Citrana is one of the few places that was spared from the destruction caused by the riots of 1999 in the district.
