City of Broken Hill

- 31.95141.45Koordinaten: 31 ° 57 ' S, 141 ° 27' O The City of Broken Hill is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of New South Wales. The area is 170 sq km and has about 19,000 inhabitants.

Broken Hill is located in the extreme west of the state some 1,200 km west of the city of Sydney in the middle of the Unincorporated Far West, a very sparsely populated area without their own local administration. The City includes eight districts and towns: Alma, Broken Hill Central, Broken Hill North, Broken Hill Railway Town, Broken Hill South, Broken Hill West, Yanco Glen and the most part of Broken Hill. The seat of the Shire Council is located in the Broken Hill district.


In 2004, the inhabitants of the LGA twelve members of the Broken Hill City Council voted, eleven Councillor and Chairman and Mayor ( Mayor ). Broken Hill is not divided into districts. 2006 decided in future the number of councilors by two to reduce to ten.

End of 2006, the state government initiated an investigation into the official business of the Council and an administrator with the leadership of the LGA was appointed on 10 January 2007. He will remain until new elections in late 2009 in the office.

Pictures of City of Broken Hill
