City of Geraldton-Greenough

- 28.766666666667114.6Koordinaten: 28 ° 46 ' S, 114 ° 36' O The City of Geraldton - Greenough is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of Western Australia. The area is 1798 km ² and has about 33,000 inhabitants.

Geraldton - Greenough is located on Australia's west coast about 370 km north of the capital, Perth. The seat of the City Council is located in the coastal town of Geraldton, where about 27,400 inhabitants. The City was formed in 2007 from a merger of the Shire Greenough and Geraldton City.


The Geraldton - Greenough Council has twelve members. The members are elected by the residents of the six wards ( two each from Champion Bay, Chapman, Hills, Port, Tarcoola and Willcock Ward). From the circle of Councillor also the President of the Council and Mayor ( Mayor ) of the City recruited.

