City of Stirling

- 31.883333333333115.8Koordinaten: 31 ° 53 ' S, 115 ° 48' O The City of Stirling is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of Western Australia. Stirling is part of the metropolis of Perth, the capital of Western Australia. The area is 105 km ² and has about 177,000 inhabitants, making it the most populous LGA in the state.

Stirling is located north of the Swan River and stretches west to the coast. It is about 5 to 20 kilometers north of the center of Perth. The seat of the City Council is located in the district of Stirling, where about 7,000 inhabitants.


The Stirling Council has 14 members ( two each from Balga, Coastal, Doubleview, Hamersley, Inglewood, Lawley and Osborne Ward ) elected by the inhabitants of the seven Wards. The Mayor ( Mayor ) and Council President recruited from among the Councillor.

