Ciudad Valles

Ciudad Valles on the map of San Luis Potosí

Ciudad Valles is a city in the Mexican state of San Luis Postosí. It is located in the east of the state, about 130 km from the port city of Tampico and located amidst the tropical - hot region of La Huasteca.


The city is located in an area that was originally called by the population aged Tenek, also Huaxtecs, was inhabited. It was founded in the 16th century by the conquistador Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán under the name Santiago de los Valles Oxitipa.

The economic importance of Ciudad Valles over the past centuries was due to the geographical position between the silver mining town of San Luis Potosí and the port city of Tampico.

Population growth was primarily due to the settlement of the sugar industry in the region in the 50s of the 20th century. Since the 19th century the abbreviation Ciudad Valles was used more and more often, which eventually became the official name of the city.


Ciudad Valles is the second largest city in the state of San Luis Postosí and counted in 2005, approximately 107,000 inhabitants, together with the outlying districts about 156,000. The population, which was originally far less than that of huastekischen settlements Tamtoc, Tanquian or Tancanhuitz is, it has grown significantly in recent decades.

Diocese of Ciudad Valles

  • Diocese of Ciudad Valles


The main economic activity of the city are the cultivation and processing of sugar cane. For its cultivation, the neighborhood has been cleared. A second important branch of the region is tourism, which refers to the nature in the region of La Huasteca with rivers, waterfalls and the related activities.


The climate in the city and the region is extremely tropical - hot, temperatures around 40 ° C are normal, in the hot summer months the thermometer climbs quite well above 50 ° C. The moisture associated with the tropical climate makes your stay in the city sometimes become a challenge for locals and tourists.
