
Claroline is an e -learning and e- working platform ( learning platform ), which is under a free license (GPL). It allows different types of organizations (universities, schools, companies, associations ) to design courses worldwide to manage and collaborate over the Internet.

Claroline can be freely downloaded. The platform is used in more than 100 countries and is available in 30 languages.


The Claroline platform is organized around a concept of spaces that are associated with a course or a pedagogical activity. In each room you will find a list of tools that make it possible to create learning contents:

Multi- platform

Claroline is compatible with GNU / Linux, Mac OS and Microsoft Windows. It is based on free technologies like PHP and MySQL.


Claroline is based on a strictly pedagogical principle from the literature and is enriched by training technologies. Since 2000, Claroline development teams have focused on the code stability and the development of functions to suit the user's needs. The main concern of the developer, it is not to develop a large number of new features, but to refine some of the tools that are important for the pedagogical approach way and the interface with the user. In addition, a large worldwide community of users and developers contribute to the development and dissemination of Claroline.


Initially launched in 2000, by the French-speaking Catholic University of Louvain (UCL ), Claroline has been developed according to the educational experience and needs of the teachers. Claroline has since been supported by the Walloon Region through the WIST program financially in development.

In this program Claroline was associated with three Belgian partners:

  • CERDECAM, Centre de Recherche et de Développement, Brussels
  • LENTIC, Laboratoire d' études sur les nouvelles technologies, l' innovation et le changement de l' ULg, Liège
  • IPM, Institut de pédagogie universitaire et des Multimédias de l' UCL, Louvain- la -Neuve

Since 23 May 2007, there is an open, international Claroline Consortium, which has been the proliferation and development of the learning platform goal. In addition to the five founding members of the consortium,

  • The already mentioned UCL in Belgium,
  • The Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci in Belgium,
  • The Universidade de Vigo in Spain,
  • The Université du Québec à Rimouski in Canada,
  • And the Universidad Católica del Norte in Chile,

There are currently 10 other partners from different countries.
