Claude Vigée

Claude Vigée ( born January 3, 1921 in Bischwiller, Alsace; actually Claude Strauss) is a French poet French and Alsatian German language. He describes himself as a " Jew and Elsässer, double the Alsatian and doubly Jew "


Vigée descended from an ancient family of Alsatian cloth merchant. He spent his youth in Bischwiller, then went to high school in Strasbourg. 1940 sold by the German invasion of Alsace, he joined the University of Toulouse to study medicine, before he joined the Resistance. There he took the name " Vigée " (in allusion to " Vie, j'ai ", so I have life ). In 1942 he published his first poems in the underground magazine " Grammar 42". In 1943, he fled to the United States, where he received his doctorate in Romance Languages ​​, 1947. He taught French language and literature in succession at the Ohio State University, Wellesley College and Brandeis University. Since 1950, he published his poems regularly in France. 1960 to 2001 he lived in Israel, where he taught at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem until his retirement in 1983. On 18 March 2000, in his hometown Bischwiller the cultural center " Claude Vigée " inaugurated.

Vigée currently lives in Paris.

Theme by Vigées seal is among other things the confrontation with the suffering of the Jews of Alsace, Alsatian Jews, and the Jews in Alsace, but also with the beauty and transience of simple, rural heritage. Even the pursuit of peace and interpersonal agreement is a recurring motif.

Vigée has received numerous awards, including the Jacob Burckhardt Prize of the Basel Johann -Wolfgang -von- Goethe -Stiftung (1977 ), the Johann - Peter-Hebel Prize ( 1984), the Würth Prize for European Literature (2002) and Elisabeth Langgässer Literature Prize ( 2003).
