Claw (video game)

The computer game Claw (of English. Claw = claw) is a Jump ' n' Run Adventure, which was developed by Monolith Productions and published in 1998. Today it is one of the classics in the two-dimensional games of skill, although it is no longer available in retail stores.


The player assumes the character of a hangover, the Captain Nathaniel Joseph Claw calls himself. He is a pirate and has command of a pirate ship. Claw is captured and is in the prison of La Roca ( from the Spanish la roca = rock, rock) brought. In the dark cell he discovered a stone slab at the prison wall, behind which is a hiding place. In it, an old cat named Edward Toben wrote down the secret of the amulet of nine lives. It says whoever finds the 9 magical gems and puts together, will develop the power of Amueletts and be invincible. Claw escapes from prison and sets out to find the gems.


The game was created in the animated style and has very lovingly crafted textures and animations. Thus, for example, Dynamite explosions, sharp swords, and Nahkampfbeweungen as Knüffe, kicks or throws - for the time development standards exceptional - very realistic. Also noteworthy are the many fully customized video and audio sequences.


The game has a total of 14 different levels of story mode, up to level 12, two levels are always coupled together. The first of these coupled level always contains at the end a piece of the treasure map, the second level has a boss to write a gem when he is defeated. With increasing level number, of course, increases the level of difficulty, which at the severity of the Gegnerbesiegens and overcoming the regions and textures ( sting, swamps ... ) can moor.


Claw has a multiplayer mode in which up to 64 players can play over the Internet or LAN. The players also had the opportunity to automatically download high score, or to subscribe to the Claw ranking for self-assessment. The latter is no longer possible because all services have been set in this regard.
