Coat of arms of the Ottoman Empire

The coat of arms of the Ottoman Empire was the official coat of arms of the Ottoman Empire. It has been modified several times in the history and expanded. His final form became the emblem on April 17, 1882 by Sultan Abdulhamid II, the coat of arms was replaced in 1923 after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the founding of Turkey by the coat of arms of Turkey. It was in fact to 1922 in use.


The numbers in the circle, called the Tughra, is composed of the name of the Ottoman sultans. The green flag symbolizes Islam and the Caliphate, the red flag represents the Khanate and the Sultanate, the weapons are typical Ottoman military equipment, such as bombards, as they were made famous when taking Konstantin Opel. The flowers stand for peace and happiness, the two books of Quran and Sunnah as well as the love of philosophy and science and the scales of justice.

The five medals at the bottom symbolize various memorable events. The medals are called from left to right: Şefkat Nişanı, Osmani Nişanı, Imtiyaz Nişanı, mecidiye Nişanı, and iftihar Nişanı.


  • Goodwin, Godfrey: A History of Ottoman Architecture. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore 1971.