Coats PLC

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Coats is in its beginnings to the first half of the 18th century, returning British company with significant German roots. It is the world's largest manufacturer of sewing and needlework yarns, the second largest manufacturer of zippers and one of the largest manufacturer of handmade accessories such as sewing and knitting needles. The sales worldwide in 2007 was 1.681 billion U.S. $ and in Germany at 130 million euros.

Locations in Germany

  • Kenzingen, sewing, crochet, embroidery yarns for the trade
  • Braeunlingen, dyeing and sewing thread for the Service Industry
  • Salach, hand knitting yarns
  • Hamburg, wholesale
  • Westrhauderfehn, zippers for Trade and Industry

In Austria, the company operated from 1923 to 1991 the company Harlander Coats in St. Pölten as the owner.
