Cochin (chicken)

Hen 3.0 to 4.5 kg

Cochin is a domestic chicken breed.


It was originally in Cochinchina (present-day Vietnam / Cambodia) bred, but are spread throughout the world today. In particular, in breeds that have been bred for meat performance, this breed has been crossed. The Cochins are assigned to dual-purpose breeds, as they not only have a high mast ability, but also their egg production can be considerable.


The BDRG appointed to the Cochin race of 2002.

Cochins are seen on poultry exhibitions and also there among the audience magnet. They are not only due to their dense and extending right down to the claws fletching ( technically called Belatschung ) held by private breeders. However, there are very few breeders in Germany who deal intensively with Cochin. Despite their size, they require little spout, since they do not move very intense, but are great at outlets also constantly engaged in the search for food. Cochin are completely weather- resistant. They also have the reputation of being particularly tame and friendly towards their owners. The race of dwarf -Cochin has entirely different roots than the Cochin.

The breed is care in Germany by the special club of Cochin, - commanded and dwarf Brahman Breeders - Brahma.
