Codehaus XFire

XFire is a SOAP web service framework, which was developed as an efficient alternative to the version 1.x working with XML DOM Apache Axis. Besides the goal to be achieved by the use of StAX a good performance, which further design goals in developing flexibility through a variety of plug-in mechanisms, intuitive operation of the API and compatibility with current standards have been. In particular, XFire is very well suited for integration into projects, based on the Spring Framework.

XFire includes support for JBI, JSR 181, JAXB, the possibility of code generation from WSDL and vice versa. Not supported on the other hand, for example, JAX- RPC and RPC Encoding general, as well as the WSDL 2.0 standard.

For the use of the Framework, there are two possibilities: On the one hand POJOs can be programmed and offered through a XML descriptor as a Web service. The other variant is the use of the API for processing XFIRE SOAP messages. The use of the API is an interesting variant in particular for writing test cases. Internally, the Spring Framework and XFire XBeans from the Apache Geronimo project. For the mapping of Java objects to XML AEGIS is used by default, alternatively, for this purpose but also JAXB 2.0, XMLBeans or Castor be used.

XFire is no longer being developed, as the official successor applies Apache CXF.
