
Colquechaca is a village in the department of Potosí in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

Colquechaca is the central place of the district ( bolivian: Municipio) Colquechaca and capital of the province Chayanta. The village lies at an altitude of 4167 m halfway between the capital city of Sucre and the Poopó lake.


Colquechaca is located in the central western portion of the Bolivian Cordillera Central, which extends as a part of the eastern Andean chain between the Altiplano in the west and the Bolivian lowlands to the east. The climate of the region is a typical diurnal climate where the average temperatures fluctuate more during the day than during the year.

The average annual temperature in the long-term average is about 4 ° C (see climate chart Colquechaca ), the monthly values ​​are between 0 ° C in June / July and 6 ° C from November to January. The annual rainfall is 460 mm, May-August, there is a drying time of less than 5 mm of rainfall per month, while the precipitation height reached in January and February about 100 mm.


The population of the town has declined in the past two decades by about a fifth:

Traffic network

Colquechaca lies at a distance of 171 kilometers of road north of Potosí, the capital of the department.

From Potosí from the highway Ruta 1 leads (formerly Ventilla ) in a northwesterly direction to Cruce Culta and on about Oruro to La Paz and Lake Titicaca. In Cruce Culta branches off a dirt road to the north and reached after 38 kilometers, the Ruta 6, two kilometers north of the village of Macha. From Macha leads from a dirt road to the north-east the River Jachcha Kallpa up, crossed the river after eight kilometers, and reached after a total of twenty kilometers, the 600 -meter higher Colquechaca.
