Comic Sans MS

Comic Sans MS is a handwriting -like sans serif font.


Vincent " Vinnie " Connare she developed in 1994 while working for Microsoft. Originally, this font should be used in the speech of Microsoft Bob software used to guide the user. After completion of the writing, however, it turned out that the lyrics did not fit into the balloon, which is why the font was not used. Your first mission they had in 1995 in 3D Movie Maker. Since its delivery, from the Plus! Package of Windows 95, Comic Sans MS is one of the default fonts of Microsoft operating system. The writing is also licensed as part of the so-called "core fonts" ( core fonts ) free for other systems. Since then she has become one of the most famous fonts for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.

As for the font, italic typefaces are missing, the upright font shape is in selecting the option " italic " in some word processors only oblique.

With Microsoft Windows 8 for the first time an italic version of the font was provided which is installed by default.


Comic Sans MS is frowned upon among designers due to its frequent use in the non-professional area. Since it is pre-installed on most computers, they 'll often used indiscriminately and improperly, such as excessive font size or body type longer texts, business content. The Internet has even hate sites, which deal with the font and the font inspired alternatives.


The search engine giant Google announced its results for the search terms Comic Sans and Helvetica on 1 April 2011 as a April Fool's joke in Comic Sans MS.

The discovery of the Higgs boson at the Swiss CERN research center had been made ​​known in July 2012 by Fabiola Gianotti with a presentation in the font Comic Sans MS was used. As a result, the question was raised as to whether a " more serious " or " serious " font would have been more appropriate for the occasion. In addition, there was the facetious suggestion to rename the font to "Comic CERN ". The now closed online petition found 996 supporters.

The Internet phenomenon Doge used Comic Sans MS as the font. Are you " doge meme " on YouTube in the search bar, appears as easter egg the text in Comic Sans MS.
